How to get perfect polished concrete floors

Polishing can make a rough, dusty concrete floor into a smooth, shining floor surface to be proud of – however, it must be done correctly. Here are five tips to make sure your polished concrete floors turn out as expected:

How to get perfect polished concrete floors

1. Construction staff

Construction staff should have professional floor technology expertise and experience in concrete floor construction practices. They need to be flexible enough to respond to any problems during construction and deal with them in time, or floors could be permanently damaged.

2. Floor grinding machinery

Floor grinders are the main equipment for grinding the concrete floor, and the quality of the grinder affects the quality of the concrete floor surface at the end. Machines with good quality and construction effect should be selected, and attention should also be paid to selecting floor polishing machines and vacuum cleaners. Innovations such as intelligent floor grinders make it easier to achieve floor environmental protection and improve construction efficiency.

3. Floor finishing materials

Floor finishing materials such as concrete curing agents, concrete repair agents, and concrete protective agents are also a significant factor in determining the ground's effect after construction, which will affect the reflectivity and durability of the concrete floor.

4. Concrete floor testing tools

Before construction on the concrete floor, it is necessary to survey it with testing tools such as hardness pens, rebound testers, and photometers to understand the ground's actual conditions so as not to construct blindly.

In addition to producing and selling floor grinding machines, Maxkpa can also provide customers with professional floor technical guidance. If you have any doubts about floor construction, please consult our technical team.

Publication Date: 9 January, 2021


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Suzhou Maxkpa Floor System Machine

Room 5199, 5th Floor, Taiping Finance Building,
No. 398 Suzhou Avenue East,
Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou Area,
China (Jiangsu) Pilot Free Trade Zone

Tel: +86-18963302825

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